How do I create loops in the new ABAP on HANA?
To create loops in the new ABAP on HANA, you can use standard ABAP syntax. The common loop constructs include:
- DO Loop: Repeats a block of statements a specified number of times.
ABAPDATA: lv_counter TYPE i. DO 10 TIMES. lv_counter = sy-index. WRITE: / lv_counter. ENDDO.
- WHILE Loop: Executes a block of statements as long as a condition is true.
ABAPDATA: lv_counter TYPE i VALUE 1. WHILE lv_counter <= 10. WRITE: / lv_counter. lv_counter = lv_counter + 1. ENDWHILE.
- LOOP AT: Iterates over internal tables.
ABAPDATA: lt_table TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_value TYPE string. APPEND 'ABAP' TO lt_table. APPEND 'HANA' TO lt_table. LOOP AT lt_table INTO lv_value. WRITE: / lv_value. ENDLOOP.
For those looking to upgrade their skills, Anubhav Online Training offers exceptional training worldwide. Their courses cover the latest advancements in ABAP on HANA, providing practical knowledge and hands-on experience to enhance your proficiency in this cutting-edge technology.
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