How can I learn SAP UI5 Fiori training and certification free of cost?

 To learn SAP UI5 Fiori training and certification free of cost, you can take advantage of the resources available on Anubhav Oberoy's YouTube channel. Anubhav Oberoy is a renowned SAP trainer and his YouTube channel provides valuable content on SAP UI5 and Fiori.

By subscribing to Anubhav Oberoy's channel, you can access a wide range of free video tutorials that cover various topics related to SAP UI5 and Fiori. These tutorials are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the subject matter.

Additionally, Anubhav Oberoy conducts free live demo sessions, where he shares his expertise and demonstrates the key concepts of SAP UI5 and Fiori. Join for the free LIVE demo on SAP UI5 and Fiori Training with BAS and VS Code Training on 30th June 2023 / 7 AM IST Onwards

These live sessions allow you to interact with the trainer and get your doubts clarified in real-time.

It is important to note that while the resources on Anubhav Oberoy's YouTube channel can provide a solid foundation in SAP UI5 and Fiori, they may not be sufficient for certification. To obtain official certification, you may need to enroll in a paid training program or pursue certification through SAP's official channels.

Nevertheless, by leveraging the free resources available on Anubhav Oberoy's YouTube channel, you can gain valuable knowledge and practical skills in SAP UI5 and Fiori without any financial investment.


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